
Service TimesSermonsSacraments & RitesSunday Scripture Readings
Pivot Our Lives Toward Jesus
Pivot Our Lives Toward Jesus

Homily for Second Sunday in Lent

And all of us who are baptized, if at times we are tempted to “settle” elsewhere, know that God is calling us to “go,” to pivot our lives toward Jesus, and to find our home with him.

Take Courage in God's Mercy
Take Courage in God's Mercy

Homily for Wednesday in the First Week in Lent

This Lent I invite us to take courage from the Book of Jonah, who communicates to us the abundant and unbounded mercy of God for all.

Practicing the Scales of Rejoicing
Practicing the Scales of Rejoicing

Homily for First Sunday in Lent

The purpose of our Lenten disciplines is not to burden us or to make us gloomy but rather to free us to more fully know the joy and peace – the complete joy and perfect peace – of Jesus’ Passion and resurrection.

What the Body Knows and Reveals to Us
What the Body Knows and Reveals to Us

Homily for the Ash Wednesday

For if not our mind then our bodies will understand that this “pose” in which our bodies find themselves tonight is healthy for us, that this reminder of “being dust and to dust you shall return ”frees us to live fully in the present.

Awake and Ready for Surprise
Awake and Ready for Surprise

Homily for the Last Sunday in Epiphany

For Jesus is rich with surprise; he is far greater than anything or anyone we could invent.

Most of the homilies are given by the Rector, the Rev. Todd L. Miller. All others are delivered by homilists as noted. Please consider coming to Trinity some Sunday for a visit!