Growing in Faith


Parish News


Christ has been revealed

Word for the Week

Christ has been revealed

January 7, 2024

Christ has been revealed to the world and has brought order to our disordered world. He has taken upon himself the sin of the world and cast down our ancient enemy. He has sanctified the flowing waters and enlightened our souls. He has enfolded miracles with yet greater ones. Come, then, and see these new and overwhelming miracles; the Sun of Righteousness bathing in the Jordan, the fire immersed in water, and God being sanctified by human ministry. Come, then, and see this strange and new flood, greater and more powerful than that which occurred in the days of Noah. There the water of the flood destroyed the human race; but here the water of the baptism, by the power of him who is baptized in it, has called back the dead to life. There the dove carried an olive branch in its beak, denoting the fragrance of the sweet-smelling savour of the Lord Christ, but here the Holy Spirit, descending in the form of a dove, reveals to us the presence of our merciful God.’

– from a sermon of Proclus, Archbishop of Constantinople (c. 390–446)


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